Having seen the trailers for this movie, I felt extremely conflicted about going to see this. On the one hand, I automatically go see every film Richard Linklater ever makes. He's one of those must-see directors. On the other hand, the trailers' depiction of kinda douchebag, sexist, dumb-as-barbells jock-bros in college felt like an enormous departure from, not a return to, the delightful, deliriously good party atmosphere of DAZED AND CONFUSED, a genius film. This is supposed to be a follow-up, in a way, but it's as if the follow-up took PORKY'S as the basis for its plot and characterization. So I approached this film with great reluctance and extremely low expectations. Suffice to say, my expectations were not exceeded. I think it pales in comparison to almost everything Linklater's made. I was in college during the period this film is set in, and it's not that far off from what I saw. But I hated the frat-house obnoxiousness then and I didn't happily sit through a two-hour movie version of it now. If this was supposed to be a nostalgia trip, it wasn't for me. I was never into disco, and I didn't go to school in Texas. Another aspect of the film that seemed odd were the ages of the cast of supposedly college students, only some of whom are college age: Here are the ages of the first ten people on the cast list as listed on IMDB: 24, 30, 29, 29, 30, 27, 23, 22, 25, 20. (Maybe people stay in high school longer in Texas, I don't know.) This was one of those (thankfully rare) "Should I walk out? should I stay? maybe it'll get better? Hmm it's not getting better" movie experiences. I could not wait to clear out of the theatre when this film was done. Your mileage may vary, and if so, far out, dude.
SCORE: 33.