In a perfect world every American would flock to see this documentary movie (essentially one long interview with Noam Chomsky), then form groups afterwards to discuss in a thoughtful way what they felt and thought about the film and what Chomsky had to say. Of course, in a perfect world, we wouldn't be playing requiems for the American dream, the American dream would be alive and well and things would be a lot better. But this is not a perfect world. In the real world we're actually in, almost nobody saw this immensely powerful film in the few screenings it managed to get around the country (its widest release, get this, its WIDEST RELEASE in the United States of America amounted to a grand total of just a mere 12 screens. Twelve screens!), and during its theatrical run it managed to make only $106,000.00 at the box office, less than one of the Disney Marvel pieces of crap comic book superhero movies makes in, what, an hour. And so, as is so often the case, very very very very few people will ever see this, and very few will hear let alone heed the elderly Chomsky's words, and he's gonna die soon, and we're fucked. Have a nice day. SCORE: 100. REQUIEM FOR THE AMERICAN DREAM movie poster